Thursday 17 July 2014

My Snack of the Day

Hey guys..I have made this tasty corn salsa as a snack today n I am really very excited that I am sharing this with you.Its' very easy and guess only takes 15 minutes to prepare and cramming your stomach to its' full on your evening.

The ingredients you will need are:
Corn-1 cup:u will have to remove the hard part of the corn in the front
Black bean-1 cup
Tomato-2 no.:cut into small pieces
Coriander leaves-few:for seasoning
Cucumber-1 no.:cut into small peices
Lemon-1 no.
Honey-5 tbsp.
Salt-a pinch
Black pepper-a pinch

Lets now jump into making our delicious receipe:
  • We will first have to boil our corn and bean until they are soft enough to eat.(I use a microwave oven around 120 seconds would do the job.But in case you opt for a pressure cooker,leave the corn and beans to boil for 2 or 3 whistles)
  • Now that the star of our dish is ready to perform;take both of them into a bowl and squeeze a lemon into the mix.
  • Add the honey now.Mix the whole mixture smoothly and slightly,so that the corn doesn't get mashed up.
  • Now we add the tomato and cucumber pieces to our salad.Sprinkle the salt and black pepper over the salad.Mix it again so that our salsa looks colourful and mouth watering.
  • Finally,we garnish our salsa with coriander leaves.
Our Mexican Corn Salsa is ready to savour.woww..yummie!!!

PS:I am an onion i have also added onion to my salsa.You can also do it if you are interested:)


Saturday 5 July 2014

The next phase

I don't know what to call this..but this is all which is going on in my mind.It'll probably take a lot more time than I thought to get out of every little emotion I had..!

It's normal to miss some one when you're alone and lonely.But missing someone when you're busy having fun..what is that supposed to be called??

I don't want anyone else to have your heart,kiss your lips,be in your arms,be the one you love.I don't want anyone to take my place.

People think that the most painful
thing in life is losing the one you
value, the truth is, the most painful
thing is losing yourself in the
process of valuing someone too
much and forgetting that you are special too.