Sunday 3 August 2014

Candle of A Submerged Lord

I made this beguiling gel candle to gift my friend.And I as well thought I might just put up a tutorial in my blog on how to make it:)

The materials which we require for this are:
A little amount of gel wax-crystal clear(as you can see in the pic below)

Gel colour-1 or 2 drops
A pair of scissor
A wick
A fragrance of your wish(I used Rose scent in mine)
A spoon to mix the colour in wax
And some decorating material to decorate your candle
Step 1:
Firstly,we start heating the gel wax in a bowl.
Step 2:
After the wax completely melts,we add two drops of blue colour into it.You can add any colour of your choice.
Step  3:
Now that our wax has completely taken a liquid form,let us pour it neatly into the decorated material.We wait for another 2 minutes and now push the wick into our wax.

Our Candle is now ready to be neatly packed:)

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